Wednesday 31 October 2012

Interim feedback

After discussing with others what I had edited so far, I decided to slightly alter the story board, by removing the door scene and adding a scene where the lead male is actively shown as annoying.

According to my research here, this scene should be in a masculine environment such as a sport or bar or cards environment to reinforce the male stereotype. However, I slightly adapted this convention and have decided to make the scene of the male, hungover, waking up somewhere odd, showing lack of responsibility
Front door, either inside or out
Possible places I could do this are:
staircase (home)
I decided to choose the park because, this would represent him as the least responsible, as the others were in a home environment.

I also chose to add a scene in where the male flirts with the female.
The scene will consists of two over-the-shoulder shots, one of the male saying
'You know you want me, secretly'
then a reaction shots of the female looking offended
This will take place in a cafe setting, as this is a typical romantic comedy location.
Canteen (cafe)
I will use the school canteen, as there may be issues with filming in an actual cafe, and the canteen has a similar cafe atmosphere.

I have also got rid of the idea to have a concert scene, as I believe it is too much too organise for a short clip which may not even give the desired effect and may not be clear what I am trying to achieve,

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