Tuesday 23 October 2012

Filming (4)

I will film the cafe scene in the school canteen during fourth lesson on Thursday 25th October, so there are less school children around, and therefore will look less like a school; however as it only consists of two over-the-shoulder closeups, anyone in the background is not particularly important.

Andy: You know you want me
Chloe: [pulls disgusted/outraged face]

On the same day I will also shoot the office scene on the bridge of the Media Department at Quensbury Academy during third lesson
Scott Mines as the boss
pieces of paper and school work to dress the set to look more like an office
Boss: You have a chance to become editor in chief
Chloe: [excited] Really!?
Boss: There's one catch... It involves a collaboration
Chloe: What [flat voice]
Boss: With Andy
Chloe: Andy? The guy that took my story?
Boss: yeah
Chloe: Isn't he in hospital?
Boss: Well yeah, but he's out now... he just has a broken leg

This is the filming script, in editing I may edit some parts out to keep the pace up and to make it flow

I will film this conversation as a close up of chloe, a close up of Scott, a two shot and an over the shoulder shot from Scott's perspective.

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