Thursday 27 September 2012


I looked at offices in rom coms to see what locations I could use for that scene.

All of the above are journalism or media production offices shown in films. The journalists offices seem to be portrayed as creative, slightly messy and colourful. Whereas the more executive offices are portrayed as sleek, high end and bigger (left hand column).

However, Morning Glory office is also a bosses office, although from one angle it looks more cluttered than the other. Possibly to reflect how the female is lower down in importance than the male.

On my original storyboard, my office scene was going to be in the Executive bosses office, so therefore would have to be more minimalist.

The following photos are of possible offices I have access too:

 This perhaps has too much technology to be a journalist office, looks more like a desktop publishers workstation, or something similar, however would work if need be.

This looks more like a journalists office, however the location I need is the executives office, which would be more sleek

With some small props and set dressing, this would look like an excutives office as it is minimalist, but also, the computer is a mac, which are known for being expensive.

One problem with all these locations, is that the desk is fixed to a wall, so you cannot have one person sitting either side of it, like you would traditionally. But I don't see this as much of a problem

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