Thursday 20 September 2012


The characteristics of each of the two main characters are:

  • Domineering
  • Head strong
  • Attractive
  • Successful
  • Workaholic
  • Judgemental

  • Attractive
  • Annoying
  • Outgoing
  • Successful
  • Laid back

After deciding these characteristics, I begun thinking of actors as I had already asked my peers who were comfortable to act and be filmed. I had four close friends who had offered to be in the trailer, 2 females and two males. One pair had other commitments and were unavailable to film and contact on several occasions. So I chose the other pair, who go to my school, so were considerably easier to contact.

  • Male
  • Same age as other characters
  • look slightly more experianced

1 female extra, best friend of lead
Stereotypical females to emphasize the unstereotypicalness of the lead female.

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