Sunday 1 July 2012

Audience Opinions

I conducted some initial audience feedback to find out what the target audience thought of different genres and sub-genres of comedy. I used a sample of 20 students, with some older participants for comparison. As whatever film I make, it will be mainly aimed at teenagers, i thought students would make a good sample. I did a survey online to make the most of the technology I had access to. Although, more females than males responded to the survey, therefore it may not fully reflect the attitudes of all students to different genres. My survey can be found here.

The first two questions are just to determine who is taking the survey and if they fit the target audience.

Question 3, 'what is your favourite film genre?' is to determine which genre is most popular within the target audience, and if it isn't comedy, what it would be the most popular genre. My results showed that comedy was the most popular genre from my sample [pie chart left]. This reinforces my eariler descision that comedy is the best genre to choose when my target audience is teenagers.

After this, there is a question asking how highly they rated the following subgenres of comedy. This is to see which sub-genre of comedy is the most popular with the target audience. This was to see what people thought of each individual subgenre and rate them with the adjectives love, like, will watch (not bothered), dislike and hate. No one chose hate for any of the subgenres, showing that comedy is a popular genre.
The least popular sub genres were Romantic comedies and Teen comedies as these received the least amount of 'loves' and 'likes'. [see chart right] The most popular sub genre was action comedies, which also received more 'loves' than any other sub-genre; showing it is a very popular sub-genre. Parodies were the next popular subgenre.

Some comments on why people liked action comedies are: 'I like to laugh, and I like explosions therefore I like laughing at explosions'; 'the action keeps me thrilled' and 'they are not dull'. Parodies were also popular, as were Comedy dramas (black comedies).
Some comments about parodies were, 'they are funny as they are not serious'; 'not dull' and 'the humour is the best in them'.
Some comments about comedy dramas were: 'always a good laugh, often 'feel good' films, or ones with a happyish ending'; 'They can be funny without trying to be as they are entertaining and interesting without becoming tedious or repetitive.' and 'they reflect real life, whilst the comedy makes the drama easier to handle'. I found that out of these three (action comedy, parodies and comedy dramas); females tended to prefer comedy dramas and males tended to prefer parodies and action comedies, with some exceptions.

Another question was 'Which type of trailer do you think is more important?' I wanted to know this because it may sway my choice in what sort of trailer to make. The results to this question were very close. 53% thinking teasers were more important, and 47% thinking full length were more important. [pie chart right] Although asking which is more important doesn't ask which they prefer, only which they think promotes the film the best. Perhaps the lack of information given in a teaser trailer allows them to want to find out the rest of the narrative by watching the film. This is also supported by one of my later questions, where all the responses said that in a trailer either 'some of the plot' (85% of responses) or 'no plot- just general idea of the film' (15% of responses) should be given away in a trailer.

 I had two questions were participants could help with individual ideas, firstly: 'What comedy film do you think there isn't enough of?' three people suggested action comedy; and some other comments were: 'a comedy thriller'; 'a comedy drama'; 'not a romantic comedy' and 'something ironic'.
Secondly I asked if they had any individual film ideas for me and the only suitable comment was: 'Superhero or action comedy where the protagonist/superhero isn’t a usual hero'.

my questionnaire can be found at:

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