Monday 25 June 2012

Time Schedule

This is my time plan for organising my time related to this production. The date is the date I wish to have finished the corresponding task.

Date (done by)
18th June
Choose Brief
26th June
General genre research
29th June
Narrowed genre research (one genre)
1st July
Initial audience feedback
5th July
Film Theories
[I am unavailable  
from 21st July- 20th August]
20th August
Trailer Conventions
10th September
rough ideas
15th September
Fine tune ideas
20th September
Full idea
30th September
Planned idea
1st October
Start filming
5th October
Start editing
31st October
Finish filming
15th November
Finish editing
20th Nov - 5th Dec
ancillary 1
7th-22nd Dec
ancillary 2
28th December
audience feedback for evaluation
30th December
 start evaluation

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