Thursday 20 December 2012

Final Poster

Since the last post, I have also added a slight drop shadow on the title to make it stand out, and changed the background from white to a slight grey, to make the colouring seem less harsh.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Making my Poster

These are a selection of photos I took during my photo shoot. The original ones of Chloe wearing black didn't produce very good photos, due to the prominence of dark colours, so I did another photo shoot of just her, wearing the clothes in the bottom right corner.

My first attempt at a poster, this is when I realised
that Chloe's costume wasn't sufficient in these photos.
This was a photo taken for fun, but I thought represented the film too.

Of Andy's photos, I chose DSC2020
for my final design
(top row, second from right in top photo)

This is the final image I chose of Chloe the second
time round

Cleared up the skin on both actors to make them look more attractive.
The difference this made is shown in the image above.

Adjusted the lighting in the image by adding a layer mask and
adjusting the lighting settings

Relating the poster to the screen at the end of my trailer,
I did the title in the same font and colours

I added extra text, and matched the fonts of the title and release date, I then used a ruler guide to ensure the actor
names were level with each other. Fonts: Plantagenet Cherokee (title and release date)
Tennesse Heavy SF (actors)
Tennesse SF [Bold] (tagline)

added tagline and recommendation in colours which matched the colour scheme already in the trailer, also used the same fonts that were on the poster to match the house style

Looking at existing film posters for the production credits at the bottom, I then copied the same information for mine in the image above, I used Modern735 BT font but ended using that and Agency SF both at letter spacing -75%

final production credits, smaller text is at 12pt and the top wording is in Modern735 BT and the main body text is Agency SF

I removed the recommendation, as I couldn't get it to look as professional as the rest of the poster. I also added small versions of my distribution and production company logos at the bottom with the production credits as this is often done in professional posters.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Taglines + Credits

Possible Taglines:

Two people a broken leg and road trip across the country... what could possibly go wrong

The things you do to get to the top

You need more than one leg to get the the top

He's broken but she's stuck

With a broken leg, maybe you need sticking together?

I used the bottom line for a while,
but then decided (and a small amount of audience feedback showed this too) the shortest line would have the most impact and therefore changed it to

'He's Broken, but She's Stuck'


The credits at the bottom of the poster are as shown below:

Panoramic Films and Happiness Productions Present an Alex Matthews Production Andrew Keating Chloe Radford Lucy Poynter Nadine Shambrook Freddie Hitchcock Costume Design Imogen Starkey Music by Alex Day Edited by Tom Cella Screenplay by Melissa Molloy Produced By Laura Skelton Directed by Alex Matthews
All the names are real, except Freddie Hitchcock and contributed to the project in some way,
  • Freddie Hitchcock- I added as romantic comedies typically have 2 lead females and 2 lead males
  • Andrew, Chloe and Lucy all starred in the trailer
  • Nadine is a media student also doing her A2 coursework and therefore has guided me in making general decisions
  • Laura, Imogen and Melissa did a similar job to Nadine, but from an audience point of view
  • Alex Day was the music artist I used
  • Tom lent me his car, let me use Adobe Photoshop CS6 at his house and helped me with setting up the green screen

Wednesday 12 December 2012


I created the above layouts to find a good way of organising the layout of the poster so I can apply it quicker to the actual design. Using some feedback, the most popular seem to be the leaning images (top middle and bottom right); least popular: bottom middle. Using this feedback, I shall apply a version of those two to the poster.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Poster Ancillary

I found a site showing the seven cliche's of romantic comedy film posters.

Back to Back

3 close ups

2 close ups

Sitting down



I think these are all good poster designs as they portray a divide between the characters as most of them show a gap between the characters such as the back to back design and montage designs.

Some designs emphasise more on the love aspect, such as two or three close ups, as close ups look more intimate suggesting more of a happy ending.

Posters like the piggyback and sitting down design usually emphasise the comedy as a piggyback is a comedic pose and in the sitting design the characters are usually in some sort of awkward situation, making it look comedic.

Similarly to magazine covers, titles tend to be in bold fonts, some titles are larger than others. The colours of the font are usually opposing the colour scheme of the poster, however may match it too. The poster below for Knocked Up (2007, dir. Judd Apatow) shows all the text in the same colour and similar fonts, creating a house style.

example of an awkward situation
with characters sitting
down on a film poster

Extra Information on posters
release date
quote or recommendation
production credits
actors names

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