Wednesday 31 October 2012


trailer use non-diegetic music in trailer to accompany it. The soundtrack in a trailer will reflect the genre of the film. So Horror's would use dark, ominous sounds, whereas romantic comedies would have more upbeat, love songs. To reinforce this assumption, I will research it.

  • Upbeat
  • Electronic
  • Barely uses lyrics
  • stops suddenly for gags
  • voiceover speak over any lyrics

  • Acoustic
  • Love song
  • more than one song; some lyrics/ some not

  • R&B/Soul
  • Stops suddenly- restarts after gag
  • more than one song; some with lyrics, some without
  • background music no distinct relation to content

  • electronic
  • suddenly stops
  • several famous songs with lyrics- pop, alternative, acoustic
  • all with lyrics except intro
  • soundtrack included and features known songs and bands

From this I have found that there is usually more than one song in a trailer and some include lyrics and some do not. Also, the music will be from one genre, and it is normally pop, or something similar. Even though the songs in the Confessions of a Shopaholic trailer are R&B/Soul, they are still well known songs and therefore could be classed as Pop.

Interim feedback

After discussing with others what I had edited so far, I decided to slightly alter the story board, by removing the door scene and adding a scene where the lead male is actively shown as annoying.

According to my research here, this scene should be in a masculine environment such as a sport or bar or cards environment to reinforce the male stereotype. However, I slightly adapted this convention and have decided to make the scene of the male, hungover, waking up somewhere odd, showing lack of responsibility
Front door, either inside or out
Possible places I could do this are:
staircase (home)
I decided to choose the park because, this would represent him as the least responsible, as the others were in a home environment.

I also chose to add a scene in where the male flirts with the female.
The scene will consists of two over-the-shoulder shots, one of the male saying
'You know you want me, secretly'
then a reaction shots of the female looking offended
This will take place in a cafe setting, as this is a typical romantic comedy location.
Canteen (cafe)
I will use the school canteen, as there may be issues with filming in an actual cafe, and the canteen has a similar cafe atmosphere.

I have also got rid of the idea to have a concert scene, as I believe it is too much too organise for a short clip which may not even give the desired effect and may not be clear what I am trying to achieve,

Filming (5)

1st November
Friend scene where the lead character and her friend discuss the man she is going to be working with.
Filmed at Mentmore park
Characters are to wear casual, exercise clothes
No props

Chloe: Now I have to work with him
Friend: He Can't be that bad
Chloe: Don't remind me

I won't use this script in the order it's in, I will use the characters lines separately throughout the trailer to comment on actions or dialogue in previous clips

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Filming (4)

I will film the cafe scene in the school canteen during fourth lesson on Thursday 25th October, so there are less school children around, and therefore will look less like a school; however as it only consists of two over-the-shoulder closeups, anyone in the background is not particularly important.

Andy: You know you want me
Chloe: [pulls disgusted/outraged face]

On the same day I will also shoot the office scene on the bridge of the Media Department at Quensbury Academy during third lesson
Scott Mines as the boss
pieces of paper and school work to dress the set to look more like an office
Boss: You have a chance to become editor in chief
Chloe: [excited] Really!?
Boss: There's one catch... It involves a collaboration
Chloe: What [flat voice]
Boss: With Andy
Chloe: Andy? The guy that took my story?
Boss: yeah
Chloe: Isn't he in hospital?
Boss: Well yeah, but he's out now... he just has a broken leg

This is the filming script, in editing I may edit some parts out to keep the pace up and to make it flow

I will film this conversation as a close up of chloe, a close up of Scott, a two shot and an over the shoulder shot from Scott's perspective.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Filming (3)

Sunday 14th October

Only my main two actors are free this weekend so I will film at the downs and the scene in a bedroom as these are the only two scenes left just involving these too.

At the downs, the female is storming away from the male in frustration

In the bedroom, the female flops onto the bed, showing tiredness and stress of the trip.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Filming (2)

Sunday 7th October

I wanted to continue filming, however none of my actors, nor the person's who's car I was using were free on this day. So I have decided to re film the ES shot of the newspaper building, and get a shot of the staircase I used before as both these shots didn't require an actor.

I have decided to re-film the newspaper building as I didn't use a tripod and didn't get an straight-on angle of the building when I first filmed it. Also, there was a lot of cloud cover that day, although this isn't too much of an issue, it would look more attractive with a blue sky.
Original Shot of building

Thursday 4 October 2012

Green Screen

I used a green screen to experience using techniques I hadn't used before and it also meant I could use actors who couldn't drive, which widens who I could use, exponentially. Below shows the green screen work in my trailer.


I changed the colourings in some shots if they were too dark, or gave jthe wrong effect.

Original Colourings

Levels after edited

After Colourings

One shot I did this with was the ES of the newspaper building. It looked very grey and unappealing, so to change this I increased the exposure, contrast, saturation and added some orange colour to get rid of the blue/grey. As you can see, this makes the building look a lot brighter and has less of a dark atmosphere.


I also did a similar technique to boost the lighting in a few shots, one of which shown below. 


Levels after editing

I also incorporated the use of colour into the costume for some scenes. The scene which is supposed to be the most romantic, the male character was wearing a red jumper as it connotes love.